Resources on Classical Control

This page includes all classical control techniques not covered under PID control. This includes cascade, root locus, lead-lag, decoupling control.

ACTC Case Study Reports

The ACTC Case Studies often look at the more advanced control techniques, however, many do look at a Classical control solutions as the basis for comparison. The Case Study Reports that include such designs are:

  • British Aerospace: Classical versus Modern Control Design Methods for Safety Critical Control Engineering Practice (CS08/1995) Comparison of Classical and Robust (LQG, H-inf) control for safety critical systems, including a pumped water supply system and flight control system.
  • British Steel: Multivariable Decoupling Control of Collector Main Pressure on Coke Ovens (CS09/1995) Multivariable pressure control using decoupled PI and H-inf.
Links to Other Resources

These sites give a brief introduction to Classical Control.